

About the company

Bluenoise Plugins is owned by Blue Music and is registered at the Norwegian Business Register with the organization number: 984014457.
Bluenoise Plugins is based in Norway and the creator and owner is Bjarte Ludvigsen who is a long time recording engineer, producer and drummer. The first software created was a VSTi called Seven in 2006. The synth was created with Jeff Mclintock’s Synthedit and since then, several interesting and free plugins were released. Theremin was a software version of a real theremin and mountain echo was a basic tape delay effect. At the release of “MyDrumset” in 2007 things started to happened. The plugin got picked up by Sound on Sound magazine and got raving reviews for excellent sound, even though it was only a beta version! Pretty soon after we reached 10 000 downloads of this plugin. The plugin is now called Drummix and consists of several different drumset plugins. At the same we started working on a new tape delay called Bandecho. The plugin is now one of the best sounding echo plugins on the marked. Bluenoise Plugins aims to reach the people who want pristine sounding plugins, without spending a whole salary. We will always marked our products in the lower price range, even though the plugins hold competition to products of a much higher price range. We will also continue to provide fully working demos of all the plugins so you could test out everything before you purchase.


About Bjarte Ludvigsen

Bjarte started out as a professional drummer at the age of fifteen in a band called Poor rich ones. This band recorded several albums, toured Europa and USA and won a Grammy award. After working as an engineer in one of Norway’s best studios he decided to build a studio of his own: Tinnitus Recording. He’s been recording and producing bands for thirteen years now and still loves it!

He also work as a headmaster at an institute for Sound and Music production where he teaches the students the skills of recording and composing.


End-user license agreement our software

This software is owned by Bluenoise Plugins. Any attempt to copy, sell, distribute or modify this software will be followed by law. It has been thoroughly scanned and tested at all stages of production, but as with all new software, we still recommend that you run a virus checker before use. We also recommend that you have an up-to-date backup of your hard drive before using this disc. By downloading our software you herby understand that Bluenoise Plugins cannot accept responsibility for any disruption, damage and/or loss to your data or computer system that may occur while using this software or the programs and data it contains. Bluenoise Plugins cannot be responsible for any usage that could result in damage to the users ears. It is important that the user use the software with caution. Please consult your network administrator before installing any software on a networked PC. If you have received this software anywhere else than through www.bluenoiseplugins.com or personally from the creator Bjarte Ludvigsen there is a chance that it is not original software and may be contaminated with virus. User is advised. Bluenoise Plugins can at any time raise or lower the price on any product without noticing former or future customers.


Contact information

Blue Music

Sydneskleiven 28

5010 Bergen


email: info at bluenoiseplugins dot com


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Producer CV

Some of the bands that I have worked with during my career are:



